Blocto wallet currently does NOT support transferring or withdrawing cryptocurrency to fiat money, credit/debit card, or bank accounts. We would suggest users send their tokens/coins to another trusty and legal exchange. Therefore, you may sell your cryptocurrency on the exchange.
You may check more information on CoinMarketCap.
Before sending your cryptocurrencies to another wallet/ exchange, please make sure that you're choosing the correct token name/ blockchains.
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How do I transfer tokens in Blocto app?
You may also use BloctoSwap to Swap(Flow chain)/Teleport(cross chains) to your destination tokens/coins first before sending them out to another exchange.
BloctoSwap now supports:
Swap(Flow networks): USDC(Flow FT), FLOW, BLT, FUSD, REVV, SPRT, STARLY, and tUSDT.
Teleport(Flow, BSC, Ethereum): BLT, REVV, and USDT.
Please make sure to check all the details before sending your funds to other exchanges including the blockchain networks, token/coins, and wallet address. Sending your assets to the wrong address or blockchains would be no longer accessible.
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